Magical Mornings

I have had this practice over the years that truly helps me begin the day feeling refreshed, inspired, grateful and prepared to create a strong yet soft start to the day. I have done this seasonally, meaning, I have not done this 365 days a year, there have been days or seasons I sleep late or I just wake up and react to the day, I think many of us can relate to that scenario. I have more flexibility these days with older kids, but when they were younger, I would wake up extra early to have “my time” and it helped me do all the things before I was thrown into the morning rush before school.

I want to share with you what magical mornings are to me, and perhaps you can do the same, or take what you like or begin new daily rituals that fill your spirit & soul and prepare you for the day.

Before I share with you some things you can do, let me share with you first how this began for me.

I had this amazing practice for years of getting up early, reading, and doing some personal development before my day began. When the kids were little, I tended to work out more, but it evolved into reading and “me time”. My Dad always preached to get up early and greet the day, back then, I only did that to get on the road for my long commute into Boston, to get to work early so that I could get things done and be productive, this morning practice has grown and evolved, as have I! It used to be to check the boxes for work, then for exercise, and ultimately for me, to fill my cup with inspiration, thoughts/reflections and spiritual connection.

As I shared, morning rituals have been part of my daily routine for a long time.

Let me share with you when they became magical. I have had long seasons of being Alcohol Free, and in those times, I wake up feeling refreshed, grateful, healthy, whole and I began calling it (to myself) my magical mornings. More to come on this topic, but for now, realize that waking up without the fog, headache or lack of energy from drinking (I think those of you that drink know what I mean). A clear mind, clear eyes and no ethanol in the system is pure magic and pure joy. It sounds so simple and so smart when you break it down, but social norms say otherwise, and I myself got caught up in all the social norms and I have experienced both sides of this topic, and for now, I am going to talk about the joy of magical mornings because feeding our body and mind with good things (thoughts, food, clean drinks & hydration) just feels good. Coffee, I know it is not clean, but I am not perfect and to me, coffee is life. I love it, the smell, the taste and how I feel after. You might feel the same way about tea, a warm beverage in the morning just warms the soul.

After a good night of sleep (unless my monkey brain has got the best of me), I awaken while it is still dark outside. I role out of bed with such a full heart of gratitude, I am clear, I am present and I am so grateful for my home, my life and my favorite time of day, the morning. I prance downstairs in my jammies, I put on the light in my kitchen and I often wonder who else is up, am I the only light glowing on my street, usually not, my neighbors are morning people too. The coffee is ready the night before, I just hit brew and I admittedly am impatient waiting, so I go upstairs and usually begin a load of laundry, clothes are getting clean, and the aroma of fresh brewed coffee waffles up the stairs,

In winter months I turn on the gas fireplace…

I light the room enough so that I can read, and I grab my favorite cup, fill it up and as I do, I acknowledge this ritual, this knowing of “filling my cup”, this is my time to feed my soul. I head over to the fireplace and curl up w/a blanket on the couch, I feel so cozy, and cozy is an important feeling for me, especially in Fall & Winter. I feel such gratitude, I love this quiet time, and while it is simple, it is joyful in the most serene way. I sip my coffee, I hold it with two hands at times, I close my eyes, I enjoy this feeling of home, and being at home with myself. I love being up before others are, it is a time of tranquility, silence, and gives me space that I need to prepare for the day. I usually take time for reflection, letting all of these good feelings in, breathing, being in the moment, and also realizing how much I love my home, my family, my spirit and how much I love that first cup of coffee (yes, life is love of all the big things and the simple joys, it is loving it all). I am present, I am calm, I am breathing. This dreamer, this believer, this go getter, this yogi is always a seeker of balance, and while action is necessary in so many areas, so is rest and the re-set.

After I take the time of reflection…

I usually do some reading, mostly devotional and words of spiritual reflection—a deposit of good words, either scripture, poems, deep thoughts or inspiration, it just flows and I just let it go (or flow with it). I usually then write, journal or just do my gratitude practice, it depends on the day. I find if I am too rigid it just does not flow, so I go with what I feel, and go from there. Gratitude done daily really helps, so that is one thing that is more structured, as it is foundational to my day. On days that allow, I will go deeper into either reading or writing, and I find this is a time that thoughts and creativity are at play, and I am able to write without boundaries, judgment and just allow my feelings, ideas and lessons to go from my heart and head to paper, with hopes of sharing with others. I also can get distracted, and scroll social media and this is something I am aware of and try to work on, like my life, it is progress over perfection.

As the sun comes up and lightens the sky…

I look out the window and I am in awe of the sites. The ocean, I pray I never tire of the view, the color blue, the fog or clear morning skies—I feel deep gratitude every day that this is mine and this is ours.

I choose magic throughout the day. My magical mornings set me up for magical moments. Driving to yoga and seeing the beautiful countryside. Looking at the river while I practice. Cuddling with my puppies in my home during the day (I love working from home and I love love love my flexible schedule, it is everything to me). Magical walks on the beach or in my neighborhood. Mundane is there, as is laundry or errands, but magical moments and simple joys weave in and out of the day. I look for them, I take note, when I am present they are there. If I am going through the motions or rushing, it is reactive, mundane and not so magical or enjoyable.

in order for life to feel magical, we must be present (not to be confused with perfect). We must be mindful, we must be open, we must be curious, we must be positive (release the negativity, cynicism and critic). We must be whole hearted, whole human and spirited in the simple joys of life. We are at home with ourselves and our hearts are filled with love, love for life, simple joys and magical moments.

2022 is going to be filled with so many Magical Mornings, it is what fills my cup, my heart, my soul.

Cheers to you and to us, smashing the glass, and filling our cups. I invite you to come home to you, come home to the magic, the realness, the mess, the spirit of you! XO

Pam Guyer