Walking Into The New Year

Claiming all that is meant for me and all that I am. Walking into the New Year with Divine energy, curiosity and resolve to launch from where I am rather than wait for it all to be in place. I am ready, I am prepared, I am here, I am present. Everything is not in place (I am learning it never is) and I am realizing that I have everything that I need and I am that everything. I hold the power of my story, my life and my transformation—we all hold the power, we just need to grab hold and not let go. What a beautiful gift and I am ready to receive it, how about you?

As I look to the year ahead, there will be beach walks, there will be yoga, there will be magical mornings and greeting the day with gratitude, wonder and delight. Morning coffee, reading, writing and having my magical mornings on ordinary days. I will be claiming what is for me and discerning what is not for me, this is my experience and I will embrace it, teach it and walk with you through it. Every day and in every way there will be joy, joyful moments, simplicity, yummy food, laughter, love, movement, fresh air, dog walks, love, family, serenity and growth. There will also be spa retreats, travel, hikes, offerings, teaching, sharing and growing—there will be a shedding of “shoulds” and a transformation and birth of me. A becoming and an unbecoming, releasing and embracing and a balance of the two.

I have been working on this for a long time. I am preparing for a time such as this. I have experienced the self doubt, the fear, the fight, the pause, I have hit the wall and I have broken it down. I am guided, I am created, I am called to be more, I am waiting until I am ready, for I am ready, and I am stepping forward and walking into to it and not against it. I am no longer the corporation or brand I am with, the title that I have earned, the brand I have built, the roles that I play, the expectations of others, the expectations of myself.

I am me. I am here. I am Pam. I am strong, I am confident, I am smart, I am talented, I am loving, I am funny, I am spirited, I am spiritual, I am alive, I am free. I am free to be me. I am vulnerable, I am sensitive, I am afraid, I am overwhelmed, but I am here. I am doing this and I am loving every part of me. I am human. I am whole. I am here.

I believe in others. I champion others. I am a visionary. I am a listener, I am a teacher, I am a coach. I am present. I see opportunity. I am optimistic. I am a vision caster. I am an architect. I inspire others in their greatness and stepping into their divine. We are doing this, we are doing this together.

I believe in living your best life, I believe in miracles, I believe in mindset, I believe in new starts and new days, I believe in kindness, I believe in love, I believe in hope, I believe in authenticity, I believe in the higher self, I believe in transformation, I believe in simplicity, I believe in joy, I believe in serenity, I believe in mindful moments, I believe in seasons, I believe in gratitude, I believe in God, I believe in the Universe, I believe in Angels, I believe in teamwork, I believe in humanity, I believe in cheerfulness, I believe in good deeds, I believe in generosity, I believe in all that is good, I believe in you. I believe in me. I believe in us.
In this miracle of life, we have all of these gifts, and they weave in with the day to day, the mundane, the challenges, the obstacles and the things that we don’t enjoy but we must do. We face these things with an open heart and mind, we take action, we do the next right thing. We prioritize what needs our attention and we address that first each day and we follow through on the things that must be done. We balance all of this with our zestful joy, and we bring presence to all the things with love and care. We bring more love to these things and they go from chores to acts of love. Love for self and love for others. We move differently. We stop reacting and we begin responding with love, with curiosity and with a full heart. We have clarity like never before. We are mindful. We are present. We see the good and our negative thoughts begin to shed, they begin to be held by our caring hearts and we begin to believe and see the brighter side to everything. We release what is no longer serving us, the people, the things, the energy—we let it go. We also allow ourselves to rest, to just be, to not be growing, or doing & achieving. We experience balance in this, a mindful escape into a book, a show, and we balance that with our thoughtful, intentional way of being. When we pause, we breathe we inhale love, we exhale fear.

Life feels magical, because it is. We feel like a miracle, because we are. We attract the right people, the right opportunities, the right choices because we are aligned, we are connected to our divine and this internal knowing and connection is setting us on a Path that is congruent in all we do. We are changing lives only because we are changing ourselves, growing, transforming and becoming who we are mean’t to be.
This is not a new year and new you. This is who you were born to be—it is you that has been there the entire time. You have been working on her, she has been growing, evolving, getting stuck and becoming unstuck. Roadblocks, failure or challenges are a part of the journey, they make us richer, and they make us whole human. You are a whole human and you understand both the vulnerability and vitality in it all. You choose you. You rise up. You own your fear. You stand up. You use your voice. You share your story. You inspire others. You live your life on your terms. You design your life based on your hearts desires. You are free. You are the co-creator, You are the divine. You are my darling girl, you are ready!

Walk with me, hold my hand, we’ve got this, I’ve got you! XO

Pam Guyer