My Christmas Love Letter
I am writing this to touch as many people as I can because the Holidays bring up so many emotions, and it is my hope this letter warms your heart and fills your soul. The reason for the season is all about birth, it is all about love and it is that moment we feel deep within our souls the light and love of the Season. Not everyone is feeling that way, and that is okay. Each Season I have had to look for the Blessings, all while feeling the feelings of the Season which also include sadness, stress, grief, overwhelm and exhaustion. My mother had this beautiful gift of putting everything into perspective and finding the light, and sharing that light with everyone around her. I am carrying on that tradition and gift, and while I have my own feelings (and burdens), I too have so much joy, so much love and there are gifts in this season that are available to all of us. May we see that light, may we feel that light and may we be that light.
To those of you that are grieving a loved one, be it the first Christmas or years later:
I hear you, I am you and I understand you and hold space for you. I will never forget that pain on that first Christmas without my Dad—it was so difficult and somehow we did it, we gathered and we felt my Dad’s spirit and his love for the Christmas season and his family. I heard a message from him “See the lights and think of me”, to this day, I see the lights and think of the wonder of my loved ones that are not here but this is what I know for sure, they are here. They are with you, they are the lights on the tree (or the candles), they are the laughter in your kids or loved ones, they are the sparkle in the new babies eyes, they are the angels above and they are the bells and the music of the Season. Feel that love. Feel it deep in your soul and know they are with you, and dance in delight as you gather, as you grow and as you live your life. I believe. I believe with my whole heart.
To those that are dealing with illness of you or a loved one:
Faith will guide you and while we cannot control these situations, what we can do is control how we receive them. Look for the blessings, live in the present and be patient with your mixed feelings and emotions. I will never forget that last Christmas with my Mom (diagnosed with Cancer less than a month before Christmas), we all silently knew it would be our last, and we did not bring any attention to that, we laughed, we loved, we were present and it was hard and beautiful all in one. I see you, I hear you, I am you.
To those experiencing financial burden or hardship, remember this is just a season.
In this journey of life, many of us do find a time that we experience hardship and while I have experienced this growing up and in my adult life a few times, I can say that it is not permanent and sometimes these hardships are blessings in disguise. Know that any challenge in our life is just there to teach us something, it is there as a guide post to redirect, and be open to change. I know it feels heavy, but you are stronger and you are empowered to rewrite this story. I know because I have been there, and I did not stay there, from debt to dreams, believe it can happen, and know it takes hard work, discipline and time. My Dad did not have money yet he felt he was the Richest man alive (attitude & gratitude truly are everything)!
To those that are feeling stressed, exhausted and depleted with all the running around and the hustle and bustle of the Season.
I am guessing you are a Mom and I just want to say you are AMAZING. Santa Clause is not the star of the day, you are and while no one really see’s all you do, I see you, I hear you, I am you. You might be asking did you do enough, you might be kicking yourself for not getting matching PJ’s this year as you do every year (um okay Pam get over it) or what ever it is you are obsessing about. LET IT GO. You did enough, you are enough and the best gift you can give your kids is you. The calm, present, joyful version, you know her, just be her (even if you lose it or are letting the doubt creep in).
For the Moms of little ones…
Enjoy this special time. It is fleeting. Those magical years are going to fill your soul for the rest of your life. And guess what, when your littles get bigger, you will still feel that magic and will create it in your home. Pause. Be Present. Look for the Gifts. Feel the Joy. It really is there, you just need to be open to receive it.
To those that are dealing with a personal struggle that is personal to you.
Never give up hope and always believe in better. Better days, better ways. While this may feel like a burden (which most likely it is), it is also an invitation for change. A nudge from the Universe or God to explore and be brave to either ask for help or do the work to begin to explore your situation and how to address it. Be patient with yourself, challenges are journeys and some take time. Shift your attitude of “why is this happening to me” and ask “what is this trying to teach me”. Shift the energy of feeling stuck or stagnant to feeling empowered and led to change. You are empowered at any given moment to open your heart and mind to change, and you are human and vulnerable, so be patient with yourself or those around you. Every experience is an opportunity to learn, to grow and to become. I hear you, I see you, I am you.
It has without a doubt been the most challenging times and as such, we have all been impacted by these challenges.
In this Season, and in the New Year let's remember these important things we all need to do. Breath. Be Present. Know you are not alone (you are never alone). Be Grateful (gratitude truly does work and shifts everything). Choose Joy (it is always there for you, even in the most simple ways). Be Kind (you never know what someone is going through (be the light). Let Your Heart Be Light…. That is my message to you this Season and always. Let Your Heart Be Light and when you are feeling otherwise, Let it Go, Let it Go, Let it Go!
Happy Holidays from my Heart to Yours. May you be Safe, May you be Blessed and may you feel the Love. I love you, I see you, I am you!