Transitions Lead to Transformation

I’ve Changed….

I have been doing a ton of reflection and also in awe of life stages and phases, each decade presents a new opportunity and challenge. I am in the process of change, and this type of change is requiring me to PAUSE and Be.

There are times this comes naturally, and the topic of Vision, Life, Wellness, Family, Home, Purpose & Service feel like oxygen to me, they are part of who I am at every step in my life. It also is uncomfortable, because I am changing, it is no longer about performance, achievement, recognition and approval (which I need to remind myself of at times), at this stage in my life it is all about the feelings, the experiences, my relationships, what I consume or expose myself to, the people I surround myself with. I can’t help but realize how important balance is and while we strive, perform and do all the things, what is most important is the being, and the ability to create that space and awareness to live aligned, authentically and fully.

I am too young to retire, and old enough that I don’t play the games anymore—you know, network with this one, pretend to love this, that or the other thing…. I see people going through life changes and they are already at the lesson and “arriving”, I want to send a gentle reminder to just be, because life will inevitably change, as will you and your priorities.

I think of the last decade since launching Living HIPP—life actually got hard and what I thought Living HIPP was became so much more, as it was my tracks to run on, as I navigated challenges both personally and professionally. I will no doubt talk and teach about these in the future, but for now, I am doing the work behind the scenes, it is what I consider to be my hard work these days (it changes as we grow).

I have been successful in business because of two things: 1. Hard Work 2. Passionate (I believed in what I was sharing), while it was product driven companies, and I loved the products and use them all, it was always about what the business and industry I was in did for people, for Moms, for Women…. THAT, is what fires me up! These things do not apply just to the industry of DS, they are available to everyone. Empowering women has been at the cornerstone of my work for 3 decades both personally and professionally. I know what it is like to want more. I know what it is like to cast vision. I know what it is like to stretch, and create more of what it is you desire in your life. I also know what it is like to address the “less”, the things you don’t want and also the “less than” feeling we all have a different times in our life. For the rest of my life, I want to help people believe in More. More for themselves and more for each other (lets make our world a happier and kinder place). It begins with us, it begins with truth and it begins with building our foundation and creating a formula to support that. Living HIPP is the Lifestyle Brand that address wholeness: mental health, physical health, spiritual health and building a positive space (home, work, community, and mindset).

I believe so strongly in a mind/body/spirit approach to life, so much that I created Living HIPP.

1. Empowerment & Flexibility: you decide when you work, and build your business/work around your life.

2. Personal Growth: you work on yourself, learn/grow and in this journey you become better and make progress.

3. Vision: You cast a vision for your life, you create steps to move in the direction of that Vision.

4. Kindness: You practice it with yourself and you encourage it in others, our world needs more Kind People.

5. Vulnerable: You are human therefore, you are vulnerable. This is your super power, release shame and own it.

6. Spiritual: Allow your experience and your spirit and the universe or God to guide you. It is magical.

7. Physical: Take care of your Body, it is the only vessel you have. Exercise, and consume good things.

8. Mental Health: Be aware of what you need, and make sure your Body/Mind/Spirit are all cared for as these all impact your mental health.

9. Purpose: Do work that inspires you. Be a force for Good.

10. Embrace Hope & Healing, they are both part of living, we never arrive, we are constantly living and growing.

Are you in a transition period or life stage? How are you feeling? What are you doing? How are you being?

Change is something we can always expect, and without change we would not grow. Your best teacher is you. She knows the way, she knows what needs to change. She also knows it is a process, allow her to experience it all.


Pam Guyer