Your Spirit is Your Guide!

I am just a girl who dreamed about having more in her life, and took action to create it.  

I have this combination of confidence, passion and energy that is at times challenged with fear and doubt, my positive and confident voice always prevails.   I believe in miracles, I believe in happiness, I believe in dreaming, I believe in having a Vision and I believe in developing a plan and doing action to create what you desire.  

I believe in the power of teamwork, positive leadership, collaboration and kindness as core values to everything be it work, relationships, friendships, family, culture, brands and companies/schools & teams.   I believe in positive role models and mentors and that we all play that role and offer positive support to the next generation.  I believe in kindness and generosity and helping those in need.  I believe in the human spirit and building a life that honors our body, mind and spirit—this is lifelong and is based on progress, not perfection.   I believe we all have a spark inside, and we need to ignite our own, and then help others find their own.  I believe in encouragement, kindness, smiles at strangers, saying I love you, hugging, holding and being there for friends and family—even strangers at times.  

I believe in miracles, in new days in hard work and in rest and ease.  If I were not a dreamer and a doer, my life would look far different, and if anything, I am proof that we can indeed manifest an amazing life when we find courage to follow that dream, grow that vision, set those goals, work hard and also learn the art of letting go and just being (balance is such an underrated and misunderstood word which we need to talk more about in the name of mental health, physical health, wholeness and wellbeing.  

I am married 25 years, we have 3 amazing adult children, and our proudest accomplishment is raising 3 amazing human beings.  We are recent Empty Nesters and this stage of life is exciting and new and we are learning about each other again.   No one prepares you for the letting go of children, and how they truly do spread their wings.  We are embracing it all, the wonderment of seeing them grow, the love we have for them and our close knit family of 5.  I am most grateful for  the special relationship we have with each kid, it truly is remarkable and everything we dreamed of (somehow and someway, we ended up here).    The past years have been difficult and good, we have enjoyed the teen and college years with the kids, but saying good bye to our parents and caring for our aging parents has been hard.   For the first time ever, we have freedom we have never had before, it is fun, strange, and gratifying.   We have moved 5 times, renovated, decorated and created amazing places to live with a vision of living by the beach some day—we now live by the beach and enjoy this amazing space and location that we call home.   We have two cockapoos that we are crazy about, they are adorable and love being home with us (our phrase is Life is Good on West Beach Lane)!   Not only is life good, but it is all so simple, the older we get, the more simple we become which is a great place to be.   I work limited part time (because I want to), and am building the brands Living HIPP and Pam Guyer, I am a speaker, teacher, motivator and life architect.  I am insanely grateful to have built a career in Direct Sales for over 2 decades, it has been such an incredible opportunity to learn, teach and grow.  I love when women rise, when they are empowered, when they build confidence and grow as a leader, I have had the good fortune of doing that and helping so many create positive change in their life.  My entire life story is about casting vision, setting goals and working in the direction of those goals all while accommodating my busy family life, my own challenges and following my heart and not the crowd.   I do Yoga at least 5 days a week, walk every day outside (usually the beach), listen to Podcasts, produce my Podcast and write about Living HIPP, creating a life and lifestyle that includes Vision, Manifestation, Growth Mind Set, Daily Habits & Rituals, positive leadership and a spirit of progress over perfection.    

I think what I have learned is that balance is the key, a combo of working towards something, action, productivity while also being, flowing, and knowing the benefits of the pause, and the importance of intention and mindfulness.   

Life is just one big classroom and I am sitting in the front, like I always did (well, at least in college & grad school).  

But I’m not sitting in the front for just me, I am sitting here as a Mom, as a Leader, as a Believer, as a Coach, as a Mentor encouraging others and cheering them on.   While so many of my dreams have come true, I continue to have a dream and vision to do more, be more and impact more.  The BEST part of this stage in life is having the FREEDOM to do it.    I am sharing all of this to remind you that you are ENOUGH, you MATTER and it is time to put your Fear aside and LEAD with LOVE.   We all get caught up with that voice and I am learning over and over that we need to build a stronger voice from within.  Your internal wisdom believes in more, she knows what you are capable of and she is directing you in that way.   Also, you are not alone, WE are doing this TOGETHER!!!!!!

Pam Guyer