Self care is the foundation to better living and the answer when it comes to growth be it personal growth, business growth, professional growth and transformation in every area of your life.  It helps us move in the direction we want, and it helps us rise to our full potential, our higher self (and that is where the magic happens).   Self Care is not a destination, it is not only a daily practice, it is a commitment to yourself, it is self awareness and going inside yourself in deep and meaningful ways, true self care takes true courage and compassion.  It is listening to the wisest of all, you.  It is learning self acceptance, compassion, nurturing and healing.   You become the caretaker of your body, heart, mind and soul—you create a support system that adds hope and healing.    Self Care is Self Aware, and is the key to rising to your greatest potential, listen to her (your positive voice inside) and hush the naysayer in your head and those around you.  Rise to your potentiality.  

The following is my personal TOP 10 SELF CARE practices that are part of my life:  

10. Mantras on Letting Go 

Let it Go.  NBD: No Big Deal, DGAF:  Don’t Give a Fuck, Rejection is God’s Protection, Release (say it)

Mantras on Letting In Abundance, Positivity, Love, Joy, Peace, Health, Alignment, Impact, Innovation 

I am worthy, I am enough, I am strong, I am brave, I am love, I am healthy, I am light, I am joyful, I am present, I am confident, I am caring, I am spirited, I am blessed 

 9. Declutter Spaces and/or Rooms

Clutter can bring me down and make me feel overwhelmed (but I am not a neat freak, I just enjoy clean spaces and simplicity.   Take a few minutes to clear out space, this is therapeutic and helps you release stress.  I created a support system where I have help with this, which allows me to spend time doing the things I love.  

This is on going, and requires patience.  Create places and spaces you can enjoy each day, and this gives us that feel good in our space.  

8.   Stop Approach (Red Button)

Any time you go negative in your thinking or talking, you hit STOP (visually in your mind picture the Red Stop Button) and reprogram your words, language and thinking.  An immediate shift in energy.   This is a visual tool which you activate to completely shift your mindset and energy.   Negative thoughts come up for all of us, and we need to protect our headspace and release these thoughts and generate positive ones.  See the good in all things.  

7.  Therapy & Healing Modalities 

Therapy has been an important part of my support system, a person to listen objectively and encourage and guide me as I navigate life’s challenges and opportunities.   The deeper we get in to our becoming or unbecoming, the more powerful Therapy can be.  An hour each week or even a few times a month to dedicate to yourself, current events in your life, and/or healing the parts of you that need your love, attention, compassion and letting go.   Other Healing Modalities can include but are not limited to: body work (massage, cupping, energy work), mindset/spiritual work, acupuncture, trauma work, routines & rituals, etc…. 

6.  Walk in Nature 

This is the best tool that everyone can use and do daily.   Sometimes it is just a walk outside in the neighborhood,   and for me, the beach and other times an easy hike in nature (it is mostly just walk outside each day and simple).  

Fresh air is something we all need, taking time to get fresh literally provides a freshness and reset.  Movement is the other benefit, movement like this each day helps our energy, increases endorphins, and gives us this sense of being present while moving forward.   The sun (vitamin D) or daylight is another important element, it is another element that naturally heals the body and gives us this feel good vibe.   Walk with wonder and gratitude with the simple beauty around you, this awareness fills your heart with the joy and gifts of simplicity and the beauty that exists around us each day.   Walk by yourself, even if it is to clear your head, listen to a Podcast (learning and being inspired) but also walks with a friend are so good too—I love to do both.   Walking together, talking, sharing, supporting, laughing, releasing, encouraging is so good for the soul, walking is the new, lets meet for drinks, it is so much better!  

5. Eat. Drink. Sleep. 

This one is critical to self care and something we can be challenged with.  Sleep is foundational to our health, there are seasons or times when we need to give extra attention to making sure we get good sleep.  At times my sleep routine is really good, and other times I fall back to habits that keep me up (technology in bed).   I attended a lecture on the importance of Sleep at @canyonranch and while I knew it was important, it made me prioritize this basic human function as our bodies heal in our sleep, it is so important to our health.   Eat just refers to nourishing our bodies with whole foods, anytime I am eating clean I feel better (it is a simple concept), I try and stick to an 80/20 diet and when I do, I feel so good.   Drink, we will get to “drinking” soon, but for the context of this one, drink means drink enough H20 each day.  This really is important and creating this habit each day just becomes what you do—I like to have at least 75 ounces a day, I pay attention to it, and when I don’t, I just don’t get enough.  Water helps to do so many things, detox the body, hydration, better skin, and better functionality.  Don’t think of it as a chore, think of it as nourishing your body, that is the mindset of self care and Living HIPP.  

4. Exercise 

A must for everyone at every age.  What you do is up to you, and most importantly, do exercise that you enjoy.  Exercise is an endorphin super booster, it just feels good afterwards (and the effect is residual).  Walking outside can be your exercise, and if you are wanting to feel even better, commit to another option which can be done at home or at the gym or studio.  Having this part of your daily routine is a game changer, we all need to move our bodies at every age, keep your body moving.   Sweating each day is good for the body but also good for the soul.  

3.  Yoga & Meditation 

Yoga is one of my top self care tools, not only is it a tool but it has become a way of life (hence: Living HIPP).  

Yoga happens at the studio and on my mat, but also is something I take with me in my life (it becomes part of how you see yourself and the world, and let me just share it is so much brighter).   Yoga is the ultimate double dipping, I practice hot power yoga and the work out is great, but the impact on mind and spirit is more powerful.   

It calms the mind, it is a moving meditation, it pushes you, it also helps you surrender and rest—it is an important part of my HIPP Care Plan for Mental Health.   Meditation is so good for mental health and clarity, it is not easy, and for some of us, it is just trying our best (I mediate in all ways, it can be walking, sitting, breathing or guided, start small and add on).   Breathing is an incredible tool to access any time during the day.  If I feel anxious or rattled, I just go to the breath which brings me back to the present moment.    There are many breathing exercises you can google on line like box breathing—my advice is to keep it simple to begin, breathe through the nose (inhale) for 5 seconds, hold 5 seconds, release through the mouth 5 seconds.    This is a great Pause moment to ground yourself and think (breathe) before you act.   Sitting in Silence is hard and it gets better with practice, it is a practice.  

2.  Music, Dancing, Laughter & Fun 

Music can be the soundtrack of our lives, it holds space for our whole human expression: happy, sad, excited, lazy, serious, silly, grief, gratitude, hope, healing, challenged, hardship, good times, bad times (you know I’ve had my share), memories, happy moments, seasons, stages, people, imagination, vision, energy, peace, surrender, affirmations and inspiration.   Music helps lift my spirits and also heals my heart, it is an important part of my framework each day which unleashes my energy & personality while also comforting and soothing.  Dancing is a must daily…. In the kitchen, in the car, singing, dancing and doing so like no one is watching (I do this every day).  

Laughter and not taking yourself seriously is key (life is serious but you don’t have to be).  Laughing connects us, it is part of relationships, deep conversations are a must, but laughter and fun are equally important.  Make sure you are having fun, and as you get older, your definition of fun will evolve and that is the greatest gift when you discover it.  

1. Alcohol Free, Say what…. YES!  

My number 1, the thing that is most important and is my secret to living HIPP is being Alcohol Free.  YES, who would ever have thought that something I loved so much, depended on for social occasions, relaxation, celebration, connecting, unwinding, soothing, and my reward would end up becoming something that I took long breaks from and ultimately walked away from.  There was a time when I enjoyed it, and I did everything to keep it in my life in some way.  At mid life, the truth was it was just making me feel like shit (it was hard to let go of my love affair w/drinking, and it took time to arrive where I am today.  I took breaks and drastically changed my relationship with Alcohol this past decade, and guess what, any time I was not drinking (breaks meaning months/years), I was Living HIPP.     This #1 thing in my Self Care is now the foundation to my living HIPP, but it did not happen over night.  It was a process, and that is why I am speaking up, sharing my experience, because those of us that are not rock bottom but know deep inside alcohol is sucking our mind, body & spirit, there is a way to change your relationship with it and ultimately be FREE from it.   For anyone curious, my advice is to take a 30 day break, this allows you to see how great you feel (and yes, you will miss it and some days will be hard).  I have completely evolved (and again, it took time), my happy hour is in the morning, waking up clear headed and just me is the best gift.  I now refer to this time as magical mornings, who ever would have thought the answer to having everything is removing this one thing.   My advice is to start here:  stop thinking of alcohol as self care, it actually does the opposite, let’s call it what it is.  Even allowing yourself breaks (30 days or more) will help you discover more, and replace this habit with a healthier one.  This is a big topic, and it is so misunderstood and I want to share ways you can change your relationship or become better educated so that you can make choices that truly add to your self care and wellness plan.  This is the big one we don’t talk about, because of the way it is currently looked at in our culture/society but just learning more, will allow you to listen to your body and not the crowd!   More to come on my #1 Self Care tool that I implemented, but not over night, it was a process and I think that is important to share as well.  XO 

Pam Guyer