“Back To You”, Fall 2020 edition
Every season I feel such an urge, such a need to re-set, to get even more clear on my vision, my goals, my life, and how it all looks in the reality of the mundane and magic of Life.
Seasons are the most beautiful way to jump start ourselves in the direction we want to be. At the end of each season, I find myself wanting to change something, and certainly during times like this, we are tired, we are off track, we are craving normalcy and routine (I typically feel this way every year, but this year is even more so). Going “back to” this year is different, but let's remember that many of us have gotten “back to” after some really difficult times (and for many of us far worst in comparison).
So, while today as I am writing this post it is Covid, keep in mind that you will always have inside of you what ever it takes to get through what you need to. Throughout our lives we will have a need to “get back to”, and this season, if any, is the opportune time to create that momentum which will serve you now, and of course, will serve you as an example of what you are capable of.
Allow yourself to get excited about starting a new season (yes, with a mask on, and not all the things we are used to), it is still a new season, and it is time to get back to work, back to yourself, back to feeling good, back to a healthy body, mindset, back to working on you!
It is your time to re-set, re-ignite, re-boot, re-engage, re-invent yourself and take control of what you can, you! This could apply to all areas of life, which usually includes the why, what and how, and that is all based upon your vision, your goals, your desires/discontents, your decisions and your actions (let that inspire you, not bring you down). It is personal to you, you know what you want to improve, change, address, create or achieve, you just need to declare it, commit to it, create a plan and take daily action, this post will get you started!
Let's look at where we are….
2020 hit us hard, it changed our plans, it disrupted our lives, our spirits, our goals, our vision, our travel, our bodies, our thoughts, our mindset and our comfort level—we just want to either numb out or hit fast forward to get through this. It is no wonder you feel like you are playing whack a mole or want to escape how you are feeling, there is only so much Netflix, work, exercise, food, alcohol, social media and other escapes good or bad we can lean on—and man, did we lean on them these past 6 months! So, if you went off the rails, are feeling off track, are missing your old routine, and/or feeling stuck, I’ve got you, not because I am perfect and have it all figured out, nope, that is only for curated lifestyle experts, in other words, that is not the truth of how we live. Let me take one for the team: I fall down, I go off track, I balance productivity with procrastination, wellness with WTF moments, the ying & yang of how we operate as humans, fortunately, I am a fighter, I get back up—you are a fighter too, so lets get back up and do this.
So, if you need a re-set, you are in the right place, I do this often and usually each season, so let's get back to business, the business of you!
We should have a vision for our life, dream big, believe in it, and with that vision we also need to welcome our friends vulnerability and authenticity--be brave enough to embrace the whole being, while growing, taking action, falling down, and getting back up—age has taught me this, so trust me in that process, otherwise, you are not honoring who you are, and all parts of you, they make you, you! This season, we all need to exercise a lot more patience and empathy with ourselves and others—this takes a lot of mind set shifts and the ability to approach situations and people with warmth & kindness rather than judgement or comparison.
Per usual, I like to have two conversations, first and foremost, "let's be real talk" (then I promise we will get to the positive resolve, game plan and how to move forward). I’ve been down this road before and I am realizing that we never arrive, we continue on our journey, up, down and all around--the human experience, and our experience that is unique to our story and who we are, embrace it all!
So let's be real (uncensored)…..
Let me share some of my personal experience with you and also what I have heard from some of you. We went off the tracks, the wheels came off the bus, we gained weight (hello, working on losing my fucking Covid 15). I freaking ate my way through this Pandemic, and I did not do Yoga (WTF, I know better, but I still went there, I am only sharing this because I know some of you did too, UGH)! Like so many, I am feeling weighted down by this (pun intended), but thankfully, I drew the line in the sand and took action, and this month and next I am really focused on this area of my life. Perhaps you are experiencing this too, or perhaps it is something else, or a couple of things, I get it, we all have our thing(s), and let us not be deterred by them, let's just move forward and take that next right step. Seasons are for new beginnings, and Days are for a fresh start—how comforting to embrace that mindset rather than beating ourselves up because we failed to do this, that or the other thing…. A reminder to live in the present, and keep doing this over and over, until you build more mindfulness and focus on feeling good, and letting that be your guiding principle.
We ALL have our thing(s), please stop beating yourself up, just know I hear you, I see you, I’m with you, and we’ve got this.
I am you.
There are areas of our life that I constantly talk about when it comes to Living HIPP, when we are in a place of feeling grounded and whole, we can take this all on. However, when we are off the wheel (and feeling more on the hamster wheel), we need to attack the area that is most important and truly serves as the foundation to it all: Wellness--mind/body/spirit. This is the foundation, this is where to start, but it is not all about the important topics of: Exercise, Food, Alcohol (yes, we need to look at this area as we do Food, BOOM, I said it)! Sleep, Mindset/Mind Health (notice I didn’t say mental health, that just has an outdated & misunderstood stigma attached). The truth is, we all have a brain, we all have a mind, and we need to constantly work on it and care for it like we do our body (how liberating and inspiring is that)! Let’s not forget the importance of SPIRIT! Our spirit (soul) is everything, yet we pay so little attention to this in our day to day. For those of you not feeling in touch or are feeling curious, your spirit is your inner guide, and how it aligns with the spirit (be it God, Universe or what ever you decide has a power greater than you). I am spiritual at my core, and for me, it makes me ME and has been the compass so far in my life journey. I don’t have a lot of gifts to share, but one thing I know (deep inside) is that my spirit is my gift to others, not because I’m special, just because I’m me. While my spirit is unique to me, it is not unique, the fact is, we all have our spirit, and when we silence the noise around us and go inside we unleash and listen to and follow this brilliant guide, listen to that voice inside (the encouraging one and the one that also warns you to direct you another way). Your spirit is what we need, it is what you need—so stop comparing yourself to others on Instagram or IRL, stop getting lost in the abyss of numbing or being busy (busy is a bad four letter word), stop trying to fit in with others, and be brave enough to stand out, be brave enough to let your spirit soar!
We have our foundation that we need to constantly work on: mind/body/spirit, this is on- going and for so many of us, we usually need a reboot, so for you, decide and access where you are and is it aligned with where you want to be? If so, great, if not, this is your sign (reminder) to take action, and just do it one day at a time, schedule it in, dedicate time to it, create a daily plan, and “plug in” to support be it on line, friends, professionals or what ever will inspire you to shift and create the changes that you desire. Let’s Do This!
5 STEPS to “Get Back To You” this Season!
1. Vision & Goals
Set clear 30/60/90 Day Goals
Simply ask yourself this question: “What do I want to change, improve or create between now and the end of the year”. Make sure you are focused on personal (because work means nothing if you are not feeling strong or whole yourself). However, you don’t have to limit it to personal, your purpose/work/career/desire hopefully includes professional goals too. Be sure to get clear on that, ask the question and then plot a plan.
Vision is the end goal, and goal setting is the metrics each month (and 90 days) to take action to move toward the goal/vision. Write these goals out (post them in your home so that you see them each day, have your year end goal (90 day), but then each month and week break it out into a plan—this does not have to all happen at once, just be sure you think it through strategically, so that you know how you will move forward. I love monthly goals, because they are clear, achievable, and help you not be over whelmed by the vision and “how to” in getting there.
2. Schedule
Plan your Weekly Schedule (Sunday is a great day).
Your calendar, schedule and/or planner be it digital or paper, is your greatest tool when it comes to living with intention, having goals and vision and creating the life you want rather than letting life happen to you. Let this sink in and really inspire you, you own your time (sure, there are things you have to do like work/family/important obligations) but beyond that, your time is your time, use it wisely as they say and feel empowered by that, you decide what goes on the calendar (after filling in the must do’s), the greatest advise is to ask yourself are these things aligned with your goal/vision? Think of your Vision (high level), then set Goals and schedule as your Game Plan, the way you will get from A to B is through your schedule, the intentions you set and how you spend your time (time to dedicate to activity & action items) .
3. Morning Routine
Create a Morning Routine.
My killer secret to getting ahead in life has been my ability to get up early and get to it! Now, in all honesty it has changed greatly throughout the years, it has evolved as it should. And yes, I have had many days of sleeping in, responding to the day--the “oh shit” (we overslept, missed the bus, frazzled mornings are real and part of my story too)! As a young adult/professional I got up early to get into work early to perform, that extra time made me better at my job (going above and beyond in terms of performance), and my focus then was my career, so hard work was the game plan in my 20’s—at the time it was first one in the office (or one of them) and this went on for a decade in my career.
30’s— When my kids were young I did not have time to work out or get work done (in my small home based business). I would get up early before them, get a walk/run in and/or work and usually both (it was the only way I could press forward toward my goals). Today, my morning routine is so different, I have more flexibility (as it should be, I am in my 50’s), for the last decade I have spent time reading to lift my spirit/positive mindset, meditation/prayer time (btw, my meditation is a challenge, there is a family of squirrels outside my window if you know what I mean)—just breath. Also, my mornings are not always on track, I too have days or seasons where I sleep in, scroll SM sites (big distraction for us), and not being fully present or focused (I am always a work in progress). The beauty of the morning routine and daily schedule is that you can always hit the re-set button, and that is why we have seasons and new starts and quite frankly, new days. I love a new calendar page, a blank page of paper to start a list, and a fresh start, it always inspires me to kick off the season, myself and my goals. Morning time is a gift, when rise before others, and greet the day with hope, possibility, a fresh, gratitude and setting intentions.
4. Daily Schedule
Create Your Daily Schedule (and Must Do’s each day)
The daily routine and schedule is really where it is at, morning routine is part of it (a smart way to seize the day, start the day, and take it on with a strong foundation). The Daily schedule includes you writing out your schedule, your intentions, your to do’s (must do’s), and be sure that it incorporates the lifestyle you desire, and in Living HIPP--self care.
The schedule needs to reflect the following: Be, Do, Create. “Be" is simply how do you want to be (how do you want to feel) in mind/body/spirit and have you created dedicated time to that. “Do" is the action steps you need to take to move in the direction toward your vision, this should include things that must happen for either work/family (dedicated time) and actions that align with your goals. “Create" (you might have heard “be do have” which many people use), I use the word create, because it is not just about having it, it is about creating it, from the spaces you live in, to the company you keep, to the decisions you make and knowing there are no “right and wrong”, just create (don’t judge), nothings final, nothing defines you, you just create (which is an opportunity each moment and each day). Be, Do, Create, Just Do It!!!!!!
5. Mindset Make Over
Work Daily on Your Mindset
Each season, we need a check up on the neck up (I work in the Beauty industry and I don’t care how you apply your lipstick or concealer, the best beauty tip I can give you is to add inner beauty and mindset to your make over, every day, spend more time on this than you do on your beauty routine.
Our mindset is everything when it comes to how we live. More than ever, we have every reason to complain (yes, it does suck), we have every reason to be afraid and have fear (it is scary right now in our world), and we have every reason to feel vulnerable, because we are, we are not in control of a lot of things right now. I want to remind you that you are a rock, you are solid, you can’t be broken (which is all true by the way), but it doesn’t erase the way you feel at times, so if you are feeling stuck or paralyzed at this time, you can move forward, and changing your mindset in addition to activity will help you move in the right direction. The only way we can get unstuck is by exercising our mind and body (simple but hard)—when in doubt, walk it out (a walk in nature just soothes the soul).
There are so many tools you can use to work on your mindset, I talk a lot about this stuff, because these are the tools I use, not all at once, that would be too overwhelming, but depending upon the season & the reason, I choose what works for me, and I also try my best to incorporate the must do’s daily: daily gratitude, podcast, personal development book, morning mediation/prayer, exercise (walk outside), laugh/dance/sing (express myself), cheer on others (this lifts my spirit and just feels good), visualization (usually while I walk), pictures (they inspire me), words (quotes, words and their meanings inspire me). What inspires you? Create these images in your spaces, and allow yourself time to take it in.
More Tools to Use: affirmations, mirror talk, challenges: (for example don’t gossip this week or practice not judging others), journaling, set intentions, create or select mantras, vision board, self talk/affirmations audios, recognition (gifting others, compliments, seeing the best in others), advocacy (standing up for others in the name of kindness), acts of kindness, positive people, courage to be vocal/positive, courage to be different, love as a leadership principle (base things on love), self compassion (when we put ourselves down, which we all do, expressing empathy toward ourselves and other), themes, songs, music, action words that redirect you and build you up. It’s all about the vibe, I don’t always feel it (and man there are days I just don’t) but when I feel that way, I seek it, I create it, and I have those moments of joy, clarity or happy moments that lift me up. Give yourself permission to do these things, and if you are not all in or feeling it on a certain day, give yourself the okay to try tomorrow (progress over perfection is the constant mantra in you living your HIPP life).
So hopefully this has you thinking, and will inspire you to break through the barriers that 2020 or life has brought you, and embrace a spirit of the season, and create positive change. I constantly need to remind myself that “Rome was not built in a day and neither were you”, so progress over perfection in all areas of life (it can not be said enough). You don’t need to change who you are, quite the contrary, you just need to be who you are, unapologetically and love that person and those around you fiercely.
Cheers to the Fall Season of 2020 and cheers to you! XO