The Days are Long, But The Years Fly By
This weekend my little girl is graduating from college. She will really be leaving the Nest. I have such mixed emotions. With that, I feel numb or don’t know how to feel. So I am just going into this weekend with a grateful heart and an intention of being present and taking it all in.
I swear she was just off to Kindergarten.
The big yellow bus pulled up at the end of Boardman Lane, only to have our friends, the Fibbe’s on the bus. Kaili’s best buddy with big sisters that were going to be sure to take care of her on the ride. I had tears as that big yellow bus left our street. I am a sentimental girl. I have big emotions and love even more—so while my life was about to simplify a little bit more, it was entering a new phase for school-age kids. And those beautiful years that were oh so busy.
When they are little, the days are long. And with 3 born in 3 years, it was overwhelming and busy. The years truly fly by. One minute you are tying their shoes, brushing their hair, and emptying their backpack when you should have the night before. By the way, I still have trauma from those school notes and signatures required.
As parents and Moms, all we want is to raise good humans.
We want them to be happy, productive, and good people. At least that was our vision and the work we did. When you see it happen, it is magical. It really is. My children are my greatest teachers. While I was far more structured when they were little (because kids thrive on routines), I have slowly been letting go. It is all part of the circle of life.
I wish I could talk with my Mom because she did this so well, and did not break a sweat.
Her kindness, compassion, and understanding as I matured were remarkable. She would listen, share advice, and give me a pep talk when I needed it. My mother did not meddle. She did not put expectations on me that made me feel bad (like holidays with her or injecting her opinion). She was such a class act. I don’t think I will be so graceful and cool.
This Nest Life is really getting real.
This HIPP Mom is just so darn proud. I’m proud of my girl, and what she has done, but more so how she has done it. She is one of the most remarkable humans I know. We are so proud of her and her brothers. I just find such strength and confidence in my family (it is my favorite place on earth).
To all the graduates, including my own:
Dream Big, always have a vision for your life, and believe that anything is possible.
Know your Worth. You are Enough and you Matter. You are a child of God.
Choose Faith over Fear, believe that you are guided, believe in God, and believe in better.
Take care of yourself in Body, Mind, and Spirit (Living HIPP). it is so important and lifelong.
Work Hard, but learn to rest too. Hard work is necessary, but burnout is real. So be aware.
Follow your heart and not the crowd. Listen to your inner voice. It has the answers and knows the way.
Move Your Body every Day. Exercise will keep you happy. A walk outside every day is refreshing.
Stay Positive! You are going to be down (and honor that), but know how to bounce back, and move forward.
Sleep! Make it a priority, try to create good sleep habits, and do the same for your kids someday. Rituals work.
Do work you love, and if you don’t love it, don’t do it (or make a change and follow your heart).
Be kind to others, but be kind to yourself first. Self Care is necessary for adulting. Parent yourself first.
Lead with Love. Share your heart. Show you care and know that love is one of the best gifts to share.
Practice gratitude every day. It makes everything better and puts everything into perspective.
Laugh. Be Silly. Don’t perform and impress. Just be yourself and be unapologetic and authentic!
And just like that, from Kindergarten to college graduation. The world is your oyster. Now go explore, have fun, be safe, and have the adventure of your life!!!!