Take The Trip!

At least begin your travel in your dreams…

As I write this post, I am on a train from Rome to Amalfi. As a family, we have FINALLY been able to go on our trip to Italy which is something we have wanted to do for years. I am on Social Media sharing lots of posts, and in doing so, I hope it inspires others to dream big, imagine travel, and book that trip (or believe in it and work towards it).

I feel like I have earned the right to write this and share these pics.

At other times in my life, I would not have shared so much, but I am sharing with the intention of inspiring or influencing others. No braggagadocious! if you know me, then you know it is genuinely from a place of dreaming, casting vision, and doing the things in your life that inspire you and ground you.

My life and my personal story are about creating what you desire in your life with belief, vision, and action. And doing so with a positive attitude (which does not mean you are always positive). It is the story of a girl who grew up with humble beginnings, came from a loving family, and wanted a family life similar to her own, but with even more opportunities for herself and the next generation. My vision was and is to grow beyond my comfort zone (and zip code) but also to never forget where I came from. That is my magic. The combo of appreciating what is really important in life: family, love, health, laughter, simple joys, experiences, and doing so with a kind heart and kind spirit.

I am not a world traveler.

I am actually a homebody. I love my home. I love all things home, and I love my simple life of yoga, writing, dog walks, beach walks, family/home, and the wonder of home and family. But I find myself in this place of transition. I still want the simplicities of life (even more so as I am in this stage of life), but also learning to transition from a full home and family living to be an empty nester. It is all so good, but it is not without reflection and sentimental feelings.

Living a HIPP Life is living life on your own terms.

You doing you, but also working on a better version of you. Progress over perfection. We are human. We are highly capable. We are heart-centered because at the end of the day, aside from good health is love. Love is all you need.

Italy has been high on my travel list for the longest time.

In fact, I wanted to backpack through Europe after graduating college. I regretted I did not do this, but no resentment, just a desire to see more and experience more. I also have a much better budget these days. So in adulthood, I am making up for it.

Charlie and I have traveled to many cities for both work and recreation. We were able to take trips in our 40’s without the kids. To date, Paris is my favorite city (and was an unforgettable experience for us as a couple). I had a vision of taking the kids to Italy (and Europe) while they were in HS/MS. That never happened as a result of new business launches (both Charlie and I), kids’ sports schedules, and sick parents.

With our oldest graduating college, we know that these “Family Trips” are numbered.

The Guyer 5 will only have a few more years of this as our core family before we are blessed with more family members someday. For this reason, and the fact that Kaili was to study in Florence, but Covid changed those plans, we made the decision that we would do Italy as a family after her graduation and before she moves out and starts her new career and life.

We originally planned 10 days, which would not include the Amalfi Coast. But truth be told Charlie & I really wanted the Amalfi Coast. So rather than plan a second trip for us, we decided to make this a 16-day trip and treated it as a “once in a lifetime trip”. Although, we hope we will be back and hope the kids come back again with their families someday.

Going on trips, travel, and vacation is different for everyone because what I think is important is that “you do you”!

The best trip is the one that you take because it is planned with you and your family in mind. On this particular trip, we decided private tours and drivers so that we could be on our own schedule, avoid lines, and were willing to invest in that way. But that is not necessary and we would have gladly chosen another option at a different time in our lives.

Charlie and I think back on our own experiences with our families growing up.

Charlie had the good fortune of lots of travel, both domestic and international, while my family did not. It’s not that they did not desire it, but finances restricted vacation travel. But my Mom & Dad did the best they could.

Charlie’s family motto while on vacation (from his Dad) is “Screw the Money”. So we adopt this approach in our travel for the most part, but again, we all have a budget & we are no different. My parents did not have the means to travel like Charlie’s family did. But my Dad absolutely embraced the “Screw the Money” spirit when he booked a trip to Disney World for us, which he put on his credit card as he would have Open Heart surgery that year. I did not know at the time, but my Dad was wiser and knew how short and precious life really is.

So what do you do when you are in your 30s and faced with major surgery, you book the trip! At least that is what my Dad did. We don’t all need that situation, but we do need to be reminded to book the trip (whatever that means for you now or in the future). Life is short and family time is precious.

I will always remember that trip. it was a big deal going on it, and was truly magical, as were our other excursions growing up, most of which were road trips in the Station Wagon growing up Mellor. While Disney was more than likely on a budget, as a kid I don’t remember any of that. I remember the magic and the excitement of it all.

As Guyer 5, we have had the good fortune of family vacations over the years.

But we certainly have not come close to traveling the world. Life will change and these trips will be fewer and fewer. However our vision (Charlie and I) is to plan a few more, and some of which will end up being a summer vacation local, but quality family time together.

I share my trip with you and on Social Media to inspire you to #takethetrip. Even if you are not ready to book or travel, let the trip begin in your imagination. Put it on your Vision Board. You will manifest it. Undoubtedly, life will happen, and the trip may not, but it eventually will. The point is to believe and visualize, and when it is time, you book that trip even thou the timing will not be perfect. Hint, it never is!

We are in love with Italy.

There is too much to say so I will dedicate a post next week specifically to this trip. We expected this trip would have happened sooner, but God knows better. And while it was not good timing a few years ago, it ends up being a perfect time now! Each city is filled with its own magic, which truly aligns with my word for this year, which is magical.

This experience so far is magical, and equally magical are the simple joys each day in our ordinary lives when we live with a grateful heart, curious mind, and kind/positive attitude. (which is not without other emotions, they all are real and matter). Speaking of emotions (both positive and negative), to be transparent, this vacation has been incredible and the experience is a lifetime (as are the family jokes and humor). It is not without any frustration, arguments, family moments, and irritability. No family vacation is, can I get an amen?.

We have had our moments, and have laughed about most, but have also shared in the joy, the wonder, the spirit, and the blessing of being together and traveling this beautiful country. I still quote my Dad from trips growing up, “if I have to pull this car over” when kids were acting up while on a road trip. Or…. “Is everybody happy”, is a funny chime in when kids are being grumpy. But my Dad felt cool as a cucumber (which was not always the case)!

As I shared, my purpose in life is to inspire others and to do so through the way I live (which is ordinary with some extraordinary moments).

It is also to live a vibrant life despite the vulnerabilities we experience or have (because we all have them). The most important thing to remember is for YOU to do YOU. Don’t go on a trip because everyone is, or do something because everyone else is doing it. You go where your heart desires, you travel your own journey and experiences with the people you love.

As far as family travel, while it is fun to travel with other families, I prefer most of our travel over the years to be our own family, because the experience is true and genuine to family time (the discovery, the desires, the discontents and yes, the occasional dysfunction). It all matters! But the most important word to close out this post with is to DREAM. Dream about that next big trip, or the smaller places you will travel and discover. Travel is more than the trip. Travel is how you experience life. It is the integration of simplicity and abundance and living with an open heart, curious mind, and positive spirit.

Where do you want to go? Where do you want to travel? What do you want to see?

Take that trip. In the meantime, what experiences can you enjoy in your travels? The beautiful sites in your area. Take in the beauty that surrounds you—be it a walk outside, quiet time in the garden, or looking out the window and enjoying the view. Be it city, country, coastal, or mountains, take the trip! If now is not the right time, start planning (imaging) it in your mind, and visualize what experiences you want to have and want to have as a family.

Happy Travels!



Pam Guyer