You Are The One You Have Been Waiting For
It’s not the company you are with, yes, double entendre intended, be it a company or the company and people you surround yourself with. These things are so important, but they are not the secret sauce.
You are the secret sauce.
You are the key ingredient and in order to truly rise, in order to lead your life with authenticity and love, it is you that you need to partner with.
Choose You.
Choose You, over and over and over again. Always choose you.
Stand up for all that is good, all that is kind and be the kind of girl (woman) that is brave to stand alone. When we try to fit in, we are sculpting ourselves and molding ourselves into someone else’s expectations and not our own divine light. Authenticity takes courage because sometimes it requires you to be left out or kept out (by your own doing), both become part of the result when you brave the elements of human behavior. This is next level growth, not a light topic, but the simple mantra to is to follow your heart and not the crowd. Being true to yourself is the bravest act and when we settle for less (which I certainly have done) we betray ourselves and our true spirit and gifts.
Let your light shine. When you do, the right people will find you. Have you spent too much time shining a spot light on others that you did not value your own light within? We have all done it because the intention is good. Often we are wanting to be “enough” and the truth is, we are not feeling it in some way—this is an old story that shows up in our lives over and over, with new versions and new distractions which blind our ability to see clearly and to see, what are we trying to “achieve” and where are we going?
At mid life and more importantly living in a space as an empty nester where I can breathe, see, reflect, grow, balance, nurture and play, I see life so much more simply, and through lenses of simple joys and the gift of true joy.
The world is filled with too many things right now, and these things are bringing women down, in order for us to rise, we must do things differently.
Perform, be beautiful, don’t break a sweat, do all the things, be at all the places, and most of which is just the highlight reel, the instagram worthy pictures and memories we create.
We need to remind ourselves and each other over and over that the pictures and posts are just a snap shot, they are the highlight reel (which is fine and good to celebrate life moments or simple joys) but they are the highlight, and we all have our behind the scene, sometimes they are small things and other times they are big life situations that tug at your heart. Non
Where do you stand in this sea of women, and moms and leaders, and groups and tribes?
Does everyone have a seat at the table? Are the relationships genuine or are they based on how you perform and what you offer? Is the sisterhood based on your loyalty to a company, brand or association or is it based on you? These are some deep questions that are not every day kind of questions, but they are important when it comes to authenticity and living a life that is positive, authentic, kind, sincere, genuine, joyful (true deep joy), free and based on your values, not the values of others or a framework.
Are you brave enough to be different, are you brave enough to stand strong with your own light and cultivating that from within?
This does not mean you are not part of groups, or companies and all the benefits that come with the power of this, we are in fact better together. What it does mean is that you stand true, in your own strength, power and light which is authentic to you. It is powerful to stand with others, and the power of positive, authentic, loving, kind women is unstoppable. It begins with us and our ability to rise and to stand for something but not stand for the BS that also can come in some circles.
This is not easy work, but it is such good work, and when we truly allow our light to shine, we can inspire that in others. It seems obvious and simple, but so many are not doing it. They might sometimes let their light shine, but they are blinded by someone else’s light which can lead to comparison, copying, fabrication and false living (trying to be a version of someone else). This is a problem, and this leads to false relationships, associations and recognition and value to some degree. Viscerally I can feel and see someone trying to be someone else or just desperate for the recognition, relationship, positioning etc…. Because at some point we have all been there, and the bottom line is this, it is really hard to try and be something you are not and even worst it is hard to grow to your highest potential when you keep yourself in a box and someone else’s framework, and footprint.
My intuitive nature feels on overload. I sense this and have sensed this for a long time—to the point it is something I feel the need to speak up about.
So what are some ways to let your own light shine and to authentically be you in your higher person and true nature.
—Spend time alone, write, journal & brainstorm what ignites you, inspires you and lifts your spirit.
—Write down what makes you special, yes, what is it about you that the world needs more of (even the most simple things).
—What does kindness mean to you? How are you kind each day?
—How are you kind to yourself? How do you speak to yourself? What do you do for yourself? How do you care for yourself?
—What is your Vision, what do you want this year, in 5 years and get clear on what that looks like.
—How do you want to feel? What do you want more of in your life? What do you want less of?
—What daily habits or routine can you commit to?
—Are you in relationship with yourself? Do you practice this each day and look for the simple joys?
—Be with the people that have good energy, not just on the surface, the kind of good energy that is genuine and from within.
—Don’t settle…. Surface relationships are just that, surface…. Invest your time, heart and energy in the ones that are deep, are genuine, are truly loving and true blue.
There is so much more to be said on this topic, but this is the start of aligning and growing like you never have before. It is you growing into the most authentic, loving, kind, confident and loving woman that you know.
There are those that follow and those that will Lead. Be the Leader of your life. Lead with Love: yourself, your family, your purpose, your team, community and passion and purpose.
Living HIPP is so much more than a feel good brand. Yes, it is all about the good juju and feeling good, but that only gets better and more meaningful when we lead the way with authenticity, vision, purpose, positivity and our incredible spirits. It is alignment and it is full on real, heartfelt, positive, dynamic, and it becomes who you are (not everyone will make the full life journey with you).
You are the one you have been waiting for. Spend time with her, get to know her, love on her and remind her that the answer is not outside of her, it is within her and it has been there the whole time.
Ignite the spark within and let your light shine bright! XO