Get Clear on Your Over/Under
For years I have been preaching “we can’t do it all”. This message is so important for Women, Moms and each age group be it Gen Z, Millenials, Gen X or Baby Boomers. We have created this false vision of what a Modern day woman is, and truthfully, the model is killing us.
We are stressed. We are depressed. We are over scheduled. We are tired. We are never good enough.
We get caught on that Hamster Wheel, you know the one where you are racing every day to catch up, and you truly are drowning in expectations that are fake, and other people’s dreams, and what you think you should do, and what others are doing. This framework is broken, it’s been broken and it is time for us to redefine how we live, how we lead, how we perform and how we fake it till we make it. The problem is this…. We never make it because we can’t fake something we are not. While we can have aspirations, and grow, evolve and step into our higher power, that is only the result of going within. To following our heart. To navigating through the chatter, the busy internet, the busy schedules, the BS we think we should be and are not….
HIPP is a framework that is for those that want more and want less. It is about building a stronger relationship with yourself, loving your whole self, making accommodations to thrive rather than survive, and it is a spirit that is loving, kind and positive, it does not compete, compare, criticize & conflict because it is not about a race, a to do list, performance—it is all about having a Vision for your life, getting clear on what you want more of and what you want less of. It is having courage to change, and it is curated for you and by you—the framework is the proven method, yet you are the key player in designing your life. The spirit is love, it is self love, it is lover of life, it is love for those around you, it is love for a neighbor or stranger, it is love and light in this world that is chaotic and has so much conflict. We can’t solve the problems of the world, but what we can do is work on ourselves—we are not broken, we have just been misguided, confused, busy, stressed, overwhelmed and surrounded by a story and image that does not exist, is not true and does not serve us.
It is time for women to surrender, hold that white flag up and say, we have had enough!
Enough of the Superwoman Image and doing life without breaking a sweat. That is a myth.
Enough of the competition and more collaboration, we will only truly RISE if we do it together.
Enough putting down others to make ourselves look better or feel better.
This has been a generational curse of women, and we will never truly lead the way if we keep leading based on the condition of the individual and not the team. Our power is when we bring out the best in ourselves and each other.
It starts with us. It starts with a decision to lead with love. To rise above the noise and the majority of people that are conditioned by this and to step up into a powerful position of strength—knowing there is enough room for everyone and knowing that when we lift others up, we raise the energy, standards and behaviors around us. We all rise.
The over/under exercise, is one that you can do for yourself. It is deciding for yourself what you will choose over the other. As humans we all have the ability to go under, it is what happens and in order to change how we do things, we need to be clear about what is important to us, and what we are committed to doing about it.
Here are some over/unders that I came up with, but I encourage you to make a list for yourself—based on the things you either want to work on, or that are already something you practice. Being aware of this is what helps us to live mindfully and with intention. Likewise, it helps us to show up for ourselves and each other in a positive way, rather than a negative reaction which we can all have at times. We are human so grace and compassion are always part of our journey, and highly encouraged as you human through life.
Joy over Pain
Love over Hate
Kindness over Cattiness
Compassion over Criticizing
Abundance over Scarcity
Authenticity over Artificial
Human over Hero
Faith over Fears
Dreams over Drama
Present over Past
Progress over Perfection
Balance over Busy
Simplicity over Stress
Family over Everything
Courage over Confidence
Healing over Harming
Friendly over Fierce
We are inundated with images of how to be, what to do, offers to change our businesses or change our life. There is so much noise.
We must turn down the noise and tune into our knowledge, wisdom and best guide, our internal compass which is the answer to our next step and path.
Getting clear on that voice requires us to live differently and with a caring spirit.
Begin your journey on taking back your power and your essence, and do this one step at a time.
What over/under list can you create to guide you toward your light. What whisper do you need to hear to tune out the noise, and tune into the wisdom and light?
Let’s Do This!