Manifestation Unlocks The Possibilities

My alignment and where I am leaning in is Manifestation.
I believe in the power of Manifestation.
I believe in the power of our words, thoughts and actions.

We attract what we think.

I am convinced they are either working for us or against us. I have learned that personally and I have learned that through great teachers of this subject. I experienced this even when I did not truly understand the power of manifestation. Our minds are so powerful. We attract what we think. It is that simple.

I had an amazing conversation with Oprah’s former producer (I know, mind-blowing) and she is on this amazing journey of manifestation. While she has learned from the best teachers in the world, she needed to make shifts, make changes, and truly own this process.

It is amazing what happens when we stop pushing, stop pulling, and just receive.

I have done all of those things, and I find peace and ease to be the magic in this when we open ourselves mindfully to receive. I also have experienced not being aligned, and this happens throughout my journey, sign posts are everywhere, and we need to trust ourselves and what we sense, what we feel, and lean into the possibilities that are inside of us.

We all have “things” going on.

Let me get right to this (the thought that some of you might have), you want to get better at manifestation, but you have this, that, or the other thing going on. We all have “things”, be it actual things or challenges either within ourselves or around us. While we need to be a steward and aware of those things, what we need to do as well is to look at the opportunity and not dwell on the problem.

I found myself, at one point, so focused on a problem that it wasn’t fun. I was off track, not feeling like me ,and knowing what I know, no wonder, I was giving space only to that issue and not to it’s resolve. It is important for us to ask this question, “Are we more focused on the “issue" or negative impact? Or are we more focused on creating the positive outcome and creating a vision of a better situation and the possibilities?


Lean in to the possibilities. Lean into your imagination of what you desire and the positive outcome. Lean in to the better version of you. She speaks life into herself and others. She shines bright. She rests and rejuvenates her body in a loving and kind way. She is mindful and not busy. She lives life on her terms and no one else’s. She speaks to herself like she would speak to her friend, her sister, or her daughter. Loving thoughts. Loving Energy. Loving Words.

I think about manifestation in my own life.

I truly have manifested the #%^U out of life, but I am not done. In fact, I know I need to build my manifestation muscle even more. I also have a “monkey brain”. My monkey brain easily gets distracted. It can go into overdrive, spin, and go south. My mindful brain tries to grab that monkey brain and calm her down.

Otherwise, I have had a lifetime full of manifestation. As a child my imagination was wild and dream like. That imagination, wonder, and vision is still a big part of who I am. I have manifested so much.

How do I know this works?

It began going to college, then it was meeting my Prince Charming (Charlie), and then it was our home. After that, it was our community. Then, it was our dream home and our family centered life. It was my home based business, my flex schedule, and my leadership role. It was the children we raised (we hit the jackpot). it was building my personal brand. Then, it was meeting Oprah and spending 2+ hours with her. Next, it was our dream of living by the beach, and a million little things in between.

It is my lifestyle, and when I say this I mean the simplicity. As I get older, I crave more simplicity, more joy, more yoga, more flexibility, and more time and space to be (as opposed to do). Every one of these things were a vision I had. I believed so much in each one of those things (even when others doubted me) and I manifested (and worked hard) to create all of these blessings. I did not act alone. This is all a co-creation with God (and the Universe)—it is true that the Universe is listening, as is God.

Speak life into your dreams.

Picture your grandest and highest self and believe that anything is possible. I believe, do you? Most of it did not happen as I planned and in the time I planned it. It was according to a power greater than me. It was divine timing, not my own (and I did not like that and still don’t at times).

I am being pushed spiritually right now. I am going to be honest, I have not fully opened up to the calling. I am aware of that and I am working on that. There are signs and there is a whisper, and when we pay attention we flow. When we don’t it gets bigger and bolder, and so much that the whisper screams louder and louder (directing you down a different path).

Is there a whisper you have ignored?

Are you pushing or pulling or struggling and not allowing? Quiet the mind, listen to the whisper (or Roar), and take action. Follow it’s lead. Do the hard thing. Do the thing that scares you, take that brave step, know you are not alone, and step out as boldly as you (don’t worry about others)! You do you!

Let Go and Let God (or Universe).

You have the power within you already to know the way. You have dreams in your heart already and it is time for you to allow them to manifest. They are there for a reason. Listen, follow, take action, and let go. Stay positive. Negativity never helped anyone achieve any meaningful good. Rise up and rise above. You were born with a divine gift, and it is your time to receive it and lean in. Lean in to your spirituality, lean into the positive, lean in to the work, lean in to the wonder, and lean into the whisper in your heart.

What if I told you that anything is possibly and there was NO stopping you. What if nothing stood in your way? Get out of your way and allow yourself to follow you heart. Open your mind and heart to more abundance, more love, more choices, more blessings, more opportunity, and more alignment. It is your birth right.

Pam Guyer