Just Say Yes
We took a recent vacation, and it was a decision that we were both not ready to make given the year we have had with Pandemic and previous travel restrictions. After a year of being grounded at home, I had enough, I was feeling the blah of winter and more importantly, I was looking at my son, a Senior in High School who has had the most uneventful year. He has been a trooper, but lets face it, a year of zoom class room, not seeing friends at school, missing prom, senior activities, has been a challenge for these seniors.
I said to my husband, let's just give him a great week away, lets be in the sunshine, lets just do it!
Charlie response was, that sounds great, but how will that look and what will others say (the normal response we all have, the fact is, we base so many of our decisions on what others think). I responded, I don’t care what others think, I really don’t care—I know what is best for us and Colby right now.
So, when we embraced that spirit, we booked it, and we had an amazing week away. Sunshine, warm weather, great time, lots of laughs (and bonus that my son’s girlfriend was down there too with her family for part of it).
As I reflect, I think about the importance of just saying “YES” and translation that might mean F it! Just do it!!!!!
We really need to embrace deep within our hearts not caring about what others think. I can’t tell you how many people reached out and did not want to be judged and therefore did not post on social media (and I get it, I really do). But, what if we start letting go about what others think or what we think is a good time or not, or also all of the obstacles we create in the way of doing what we truly want to do? Just say yes!
Be Bold, Be Brave and Just be You! Yes!!!!!! XO