When Women Gather
For almost 20 years, I have had the benefit of participating in meetings that are uplifting, inspiring, confidence building and collaborative in team development, leadership development and women’s empowerment. For many years, my business partner and I have hosted leadership retreats in our Direct Sales business where we not only teach business, but more importantly, we help women grow their vision, create a life by design, and to use their business as a vehicle and platform to grow in all areas. It is that unique opportunity to decide what it is you would like to create in your life, and to build the courage and confidence to go after it through consistent action (the marriage of both the mundane and the magic).
When women gather, amazing things happen….
After 18 months of not doing any in person events, we hosted a special Leadership Retreat for some amazing women in my business. We went to Chatham Bars Inn on beautiful Cape Cod, a luxury hotel on the Atlantic Ocean with breathtaking views, and impeccable ammentities. While the location was stunning, the spirit and team synergy among the group was what really took my breath away. Every person came with a desire to feel inspired, to feel reignited around life and business and to get that necessary re-charge that we all need. By the time every person left, we were confident that our vision, objectives & intentions were not only met, but exceeded (it truly was magical, and that magic came from the beautiful women in attendance who put their heart and time into the weekend).
While this ignites us in business, it truly ignites us as women, and how important community is, how important collaboration is and how important it is to lift each other up. The spirit and feeling is something difficult to describe, but it is felt, and the emotion and positive spirit can carry us through the remainder of the year and on (to focus daily on our vision, goals and dreams) and to do so with an abundant mindset, and one that looks for the best in ourselves and others, when we lead with a positive heart and mind, there is not anything we can’t accomplish!
As I reflect on our time together, I can’t help but think how much women need this and would benefit from this, not just those in business. To “retreat” is to take time outside of one’s life, to take time to connect, to connect with oneself and to connect with each other in a positive way. To dedicate time to casting a vision, and to grow that vision, to believe in more, to know that anything is possible, and to decide what must stay and what must go in order to make that vision a reality. Time with like minded people that lift you up, inspire you and believe in you (it is so powerful and so needed when women gather).
I come out of the weekend humbled, grateful, inspired and with a full cup (my cup runneth over) and full heart.
I think about Living HIPP, and I ask myself why I don’t offer similar get aways to women and moms to take “time out” to look at their life, their purpose, and to cast a vision for what they would like to create, and to leave with an action plan of things that they can do. Until then, I feel grateful that I am surrounded by a tribe of women that inspire me to use my voice, and teach them to create more in their life, as I have done in my own.
To that end, when woman gather, amazing things happen. I am so grateful to gather, to give and to receive. XO