The Calm Before the Storm
Here in New England, we are experiencing snow storms. While the snow storms are one after the next and it gets old after a few storms, I generally love a snow storm. I believe it is God’s way of getting us to slow down. Gathering around the fire, comfort clothes, comfort food, family, conversations, and being pulled away from our busy lives.
The Calm Before the Storm. It is bigger than the weather. It is a way in which we live our lives. We all have our own storms, our seasons of joy, our seasons of growth, our seasons of warmth & beauty, and we have our seasons of storms. When we have too many storms one after the other we can lose ourselves and we can truly be challenged with one obstacle after the other. We need to find our calms before and between the storms. Those moments we are able to gain clarity on what is really important. Those thoughts that bring us peace, joy, contentment. The storm always rolls in and there are times we can’t forecast when, where, or why and that can be difficult. Since we cannot control this, what we can control and invest in is the calm before, the time before, the work that happens outside of the daily grind of our lives.
Being present in the moment. Feeding your body, mind, and spirit with things that help you grow, keep you strong and centered, will sustain you as the storm rolls in.
There are times we have too many storms in a row, and we get swept away with the winds of change, challenge, and chaos. The more we invest in ourselves and in the moments between the storms, the better we can handle this. There are times we fall down and in these moments of the tornado, we just need to believe, to know that the sun will come up, and there will be a new day.
If you are caught up in a storm of life, be still. Know you are not alone and that the horizon is there. Just hunker down and get ready for the sun to shine it’s light on you, your life, and the beauty that exists all around you.