Passion & Life


I have been thinking a lot about passion lately and how I find myself in this space of needing to rekindle my passion and own my own voice.  I believe that our passion is connected to our purpose and we need to have clarity around this in order to truly be aligned with our purpose here on Earth.  

It can get confusing, especially for Moms.  

When I think about what I am most passionate about, my family comes first to mind.  
At the end of the day, my kids are what is most important to me, and my husband and I share in this commitment and we build our lives around it.   

I know it goes beyond family for me—and that is what helps to clarify and stretch my imagination, my hopes, dreams, fears and all of the emotions that swirl when you live a life of purpose & passion.  

I have found myself lose sight of this, slightly drowning in the muddy waters of life, life’s challenges, health, and the fear that can come along with all of these things—we all encounter this, and while difficult at times, it serves us in the process.   Perhaps you are drowning too or you have been there, and you just need to get your head above water and get to the shore.  

Any time I feel this way, I pause.  As I get older I realize that it is okay. It is part of the journey and it helps guide us in the direction we need to go, even if it is uncomfortable and not all the positive and upbeat emotions we desire to feel.   We must sit in the emotion and allow it to teach us, guide us, and heal us.  

When I began my HIPP journey over 7 years ago, I began with truly being in search of my own passion and in that process, I had to remove all the labels, titles, and boxes that existed for me.  I had to listen to my heart, I had to ask myself what did I believe my purpose to be, and in answering that I had to answer the question what exactly was I passionate about?

The answer became clear to me.  I was passionate about being a Mom, and living a lifestyle that blended that role and one of purpose & passion.  I declared my purpose was to inspire millions to live their best life and in doing so, working on my own.  

So here I am, needing to renew my passion, gain clarity around my purpose and elevate myself and condition myself to be it.  You may need to do just the same, or even perhaps give thought to this if you have not gone through the discovery process already.  

I hope this inspires you to discover your purpose and most importantly get clear on what you are passionate about.   The first step is to brainstorm a list of things you are passionate about, here is my most recent list:


—health & wellness
—positive inspiration & words
—team work/collaboration/kindness
—looking & feeling good (beauty/style/fitness)

These are the top things that are important to me and are who I am.  Write your list, your passions, your desires, your aspirations and determine based on that list, what you can do to live it, surround yourself with it, and create it.

Sometimes we are blinded by what we do, to really see who we are.  Design life, work and your purpose around who you are and who you desire to be.  It does not happen over night, but it does happen.  Empower yourself to own this, and surround yourself with a tribe of positive women that desire the same, and support you in a positive way.

Passion is a pillar in Living HIPP.  Every season we need to rediscover our own, and remind ourselves of who we are and what we are capable of.  Believe in your highest self, and know that you are created for greatness.  Begin with your passion, what is it that you love, and how can you turn this love into your purpose?  


Pam Guyer