
I am being called to talk and teach about manifestation. While I have some ideas, I don’t know exactly what that looks like. I am in this place of pregnancy. No, I am not pregnant, that ship has sailed. What I am doing is growing and preparing for more.

My “more” is not to be confused with adding on. My more these days always means “less”. It means clarity, simplicity, unapologetically calling in what is meant for me, and releasing all that is not meant for me.

I have been on a journey of personal development, personal growth.

When I created Living HIPP, it was because of my own personal transformation of going inside and finding my voice, and honoring myself in body, mind, & spirit. The trajectory of Living HIPP is not linear. As life happens, and while we are spiritual beings attracting more (or less) into our lives, we also encounter challenges which shift our energy, pull us, and pause us.

While they do not feel good at the time, most of our challenges are our opportunities for growth. We just don’t see it and that is okay. Just having faith, you will get through. You are being guided is all you need in these times.

After a decade later of Living HIPP, I have far more lessons and more wisdom than I had a decade ago.

That is the beauty of life. We never arrive…we are always learning, growing, being, and evolving. When we get stuck, it is just a signal to either change direction or go deeper and get curious about our inner knowings. Turning our confusion into curiosity is what brings clarity.

I am not an intuitive, professionally.

I don’t see that as my calling, but I do see intuition as my gift. I have been intuitive & it has become even more clear as I open up space and my life simplifies. Clarity is key and finding space and time to nurture this is the answer for all women.

I feel people’s emotions. I can easily think about the other person. I can easily see the good in others (and I also observe the areas for growth). I deeply care, and that works for me as a leader. But at times, it can be a burden, because there are situations I should not care as much as I do. I am aware of this.

In order to truly live in alignment, on purpose, and own our lives (as I talk about in Living HIPP), we must be self-aware.

That is truly where it all begins. Self-aware means being fully open to what is possible, believing when the evidence says otherwise, being compassionate with self and others (I continue to work on this one), and being mindful of our thoughts, actions, and reactions. We need to become our own best coach, our own best cheerleader and to have an open mind and heart to allow in more, and to believe in more. Self-aware is our ability to go inward, listen to the voice and whisper inside, follow our gut, and see our Dharma (purpose). it is listening to the wisdom inside.

For 2 decades, I have labeled myself a Mom Boss, and that has been my truth.

My incredible experience in creating success as a businesswoman and mom is one that I am so grateful for. I have also hidden behind this identity as well because that next step or bigger calling is felt, but I have allowed fear to stifle it to some degree. I realize no one is coming along and choosing me. I think I have thought that was to happen and/or would be more comfortable than putting myself out there even more. Have I not done that enough?

Perhaps you too have felt this tug, and have had these same feelings. You question your path and you know spiritually, that there is more inside of you. I have felt this. I have nurtured this. I have in fact looked for the validation outside of me (still waiting for that invitation from Oprah to sit on her Couch under the trees and talk about the lifestyle of Living HIPP)!

The truth is, no one is going to do any of it for you and you are not to be chosen.

The fact is…You are chosen. This requires us to release the fear and build the faith to know that we have everything inside of us that we need. We are enough. So while I accept that I don’t need Oprah to call me, validate me, and choose me (even though I feel that need, perhaps it is a knowing). The point here is to step forward, do the work, choose myself, and show up as me to do the work on my higher self.

This is my spiritual calling and what needs to happen in order for me to teach women to do the same. I am doing the work. I am in it, and I don’t have all of the answers. But what I know for sure is that we are the co-creators of our life. We attract what we believe. We become who we believe we are. Our work is to shift and align with ourselves (and our higher self) to know that she is being called to be, do and have more.

So I am sharing what I do.

I’m sharing my daily rituals and routines and also acknowledging that this all happens from both strength and vulnerability. I invite my vulnerabilities along and embrace them as gifts (yes, I am working on this and continue to build belief in it when I used to allow it to hinder me).

Why Manifestation?

Why do I believe in it, and how can I lead women through creating more (and less) in their lives? While I am not one of the giants (Oprah, Elizabeth Gilbert, or Gabby Bernstein to name a few), I have in fact manifested the shit out of life. And I am growing even more in this space). I see entrepreneurs teaching and doing this work, and I realize, I have more experience in life, and business, and have actually achieved bigger things. This is not a brag, just a fact I had to remind myself of.

Here is the difference…they are talking about it, teaching it, and creating programs for women to find their voice, and own their life and while I talk about it, I have not launched that program (yet)! Here we go again, stop thinking and start doing. Yes, see it believe it, but take that next step and create it!

A look back at what I have Manifested…..

Child: Winning the Slurpee raffle at the beach (I actually believed my ticket would win, it did)!

Teens: Homecoming Queen & Prom Queen (for real, I actually pictured this in high school & it happened)

20’s: Going to college. Career & Getting my Master’s, later meeting my husband (dreams come true)

30’s: Owning a Home, Being Married & having children, Being a Mom Boss (I literally saw it when I was single)

40’s: Success in Business, Family-centered Living (my amazing kids), Healthy Lifestyle (Yoga), Purpose: teacher/speaker/writer, Dream Home (huge renovation), Travel, Write Book & Simplifying (downsizing).

50’s: Balance, Raising amazing humans (the best work I have done), meeting Oprah (it was meant to happen)

Personal Brand (in progress), Coastal Home (another big one), Living HIPP (my life and routine is how I love to spend my time: reading/writing, yoga, beach, walking dogs, simple joys).

Note: All of the above happened and it was all part of my vision and imagination before any of it happened. It also happened alongside challenges, setbacks, and dealing with personal struggles which I would later identify as anxiety, ADHD, and Addictive Personality/Behavior (more to come on all of this).

I believe so much in this because I have lived it.

I continue to live it. I also know that I need to step out even more (which is the simple step to be braver and do the work, not only with myself, but to teach others how to do it, unlock it, and live it). I am in that next chapter of Empty Nest so my viewpoint is even more relevant as I have raised amazing human beings (every mom’s dream).

I have built successful businesses. I have learned to balance both work & home (pretty, and not so pretty). I have designed my life, and a long time ago I refused to be designed by life. I can share this because my beginnings were humble. I am proud of that and know that anything is possible when you believe, take action, and lead with your heart.

Admittedly, it would be easier for me to get a call from Oprah’s producers to book me, talk about my book, my experience, and share from that platform.

But in that thinking, I am handing my power over, and not truly owning it. I have to be brave, step forward, and continue sharing my story, my triumphs (as shared above), my challenges (because we all have them), and help more women create and manifest the life they desire.

Who am I to do this? Oh darling…. (My spiritual guide), Who are you not to?

The world is waiting! Step forward, be you and create a container for women to discover themselves, their voice, their desires, dreams, and discontents. You want to make the world a better place? It is simply you living your best life (higher self) and teaching and inspiring others to do the same.

We Rise Together!

Pam Guyer