Inspiration & Seasons
There are many things that inspire me, and I must say that words are one of my top 5. I am a person that needs inspiration daily, and I believe that most people do. In order to live a HIPP life, and feel an awakening, surrounding yourself with words, positive affirmations, places, spaces and people that you love and admire. There are seasons in life and seasons for everything.
The Goal-Oriented Season:
When I need to be in “go-getter” mode, I use words & phrases such as: hustle, just do it, work hard, focus, stretch, never give up, take action.
The Season of Peace:
While it is important to go after goals, stretch yourself and to strive for better, it needs to be balanced with a sense of peace, with a sense of calmness, and while activity & momentum is important, so is rest. Some words/phrases that inspire me when I need to lean more into a grounded and peaceful approach is: let go, breathe, peace, balance, compassion, light, love, kindness, self care, simplicity, yoga life, spiritual, authentic
The Season of Joy:
Choosing joy is a daily habit, practice and way of life we should all embrace daily. If I am experiencing challenging times and/or grief, I shift my perspective on Joy. There is a simple approach to this, and it is getting yourself from a worried or negative state of mind to a joyful one. Imagine if you truly lived a life of joy each day, basing your decisions on what is best for you rather than what is best for others (people pleaser). My words/phrases I typically use in my season of joy are: choose joy, say yes, keep it simple, it’s the little things, gratitude, be happy, love your life.
The Season of Healthy Living:
This should be a way of life, and for many it is. Even so, I find myself every season in the year going off track, feeling sluggish and not eating in the way that fuels me (I think so many of us do this and it’s okay). Words & phrases inspire me to be on track, to put my health first and embrace this lifestyle, some are: yoga every damn day, just do it, healthy life, be fit
The Season of Discovery:
At different stages in my life, I always need to explore and access where I am. It is really hard not to judge myself, or be a critic, and I am working on this… Being aware of one’s self is so important to living HIPP and living life on your own terms. Some words and phrases that help me out as I gain clarity on my direction are: dream big, vision, change, reignite, rejuvenate, transform, awaken, believe.
There are so many more seasons, but this gives you some inspired thought which will hopefully lead to inspired action to use words for empowerment and inspiration. As I write this, it is the end of summer, we head into Fall, I am in a place where I am merging seasons, setting goals both personal and business for the Fall. While I do that, I really need to be in a season of peace, to make sure that sense of balance is in place, choosing joy, being grateful, and leading with love (bringing love to work, play, self, others).
Here are my words for this season. Daily words and quotes are what inspire me and ground me in the practice of Living HIPP! XO