In the Blink of an Eye


In the Blink of an Eye!

I was warned, I was told, I was taught that it flies right by, and “in the blink of an eye,” they will be graduating high school and on to that next chapter.  

My oldest, my only daughter, my sweet girl, my Kaili has her last day of school as a Senior today.  It is bittersweet; it is a happy day, it is emotional (for me), it is unreal that we are here, how did this happen, am I ready?  I know she is prepared, but I am not sure that I am!  Gulp.

This little girl, this girl right here, has brought us such joy.  She has been and continues to be a delight to parent.  

Happy, kind, sweet, funny, grounded, fierce, loyal, smart and compassionate are just a few words that describe my little girl.
Does she have her moments, yes, she sure does, but as I have said for years that when that happens, it is well deserved. We all have our moments.  Otherwise, she is positive; she is sincere, she is fun.   I would have wanted more daughters but God gave me only one, and now, I would not change that for the world, because she is amazing, she is my girl, she is my light, my love, she is my Kaili.  

Any Mom knows this feeling. My heart is full; my heart is out there in the world, my heart is made of this girl and her brothers.  You can’t even explain it, but it is a love like no other.  I am no different from any other Mom, the fact is, we all feel it.  It is pure love.  The love of a Mother is so incredibly strong that it is endless.  I wish my Mom were here; I wish she could see this day; the upcoming graduation and moving into college. She has always called Kaili her sweet girl and has been in awe of her kindness and her heart.  My mother in law was particularly close to Kaili, her first grandchild, and she helped me to take care of Kaili as I navigated being a part-time working mom. She relished in having “her baby” at home with her on those days I would be in the city.  I wish Peg were here to see this last day of school jus as she was at the bus stop on that first day of Kindergarten. Peg was in awe of Kaili’s beauty, the inner and outer beauty that was and is captivating and so pure, real, and radiant.  

The firsts and the lasts.  
The milestones.  
The Joy. 
The Pain. 
 The ages and stages. 

One thing that is certain is that time does pass.  Time is our most precious gift.  Time is everything.

The first day she ever got on that big yellow bus I had tears; tears of joy, fear, love, and rawness just poured down my face as I let go of her.

Today, there were no tears on her last day; there was this knowing, this feeling, this connection that she and I have.

She knows my sentimental heart, our bond, our love, and we add this to the memories of her life, our time, this time right here, right now.

In the blink of an eye, just like that! 

We will be at graduation, and then dropping off at college.

But for now, for today, I am here, I am feeling all the feels, and so proud of my girl!


Pam Guyer