Feel the Feels

Feelings are such a gift for us but at times, so scary to be present with and feel.  

I try to feel the feels but will admit there are times I want to avoid it, numb it, become busy and run from the feelings.

Being a mom has a whole lot of feeling.  It pulls at our hearts in such ways that are positive but also heart wrenching.  

In a culture that portrays ways in which we do it all, we don’t break a sweat and we don’t feel too much, it negates the gift of feelings, the spirit of humanity and the most important feeling of all... LOVE.


Sometimes we don’t express it fully because we are afraid of being rejected.
We worry about what others will think.
We don’t want to look too sappy or sentimental.
We just don’t want to go there.

Instead, we become busy, we focus on the outside of things and neglect the feels and the true spirit that resides in all of us.

What if we took a day and allowed ourselves to truly and openly feel the feels?
What if we chose to lead our lives with love?
What if we saw the best in those around us?
What if we saw and exuded the best in ourselves?
What if we allowed ourselves to feel it all and just for a day, to treat life as the miracle that it really is?

I dance with the tide and the tides of change in my life.
I put one foot in and then jump out as it relates to feeling the feels.
It is a dance, a process, a going back and forth in some way.  It is fluid never still.  

Here are some things that you can do to Feel the Feels:
—Be Present
—Be Mindful
—Open Your Heart
—Journal Your Feelings (the good, the bad, the ugly)
—Lead with Love (positive, loving & compassionate)
—Take time each day for reflection
—Self Access, how are you feeling?
—Ignore the images on social media (remember, it is the high light reel)
—Remove the busywork.  Live with clarity and Intention through every day

Feel the Feels, you have one life, your feelings are your power, and help you align with your truest self.  


Pam Guyer