
Be Such a Dope Soul!

I love to look into people’s eyes to see their soul.  Are you living your soulful life?

Your done soul is YOU unapologetically!

That zest, that spirit, that inner HIPP, that is you, that is your vibe and it is what will lead you to living a heart-centered and soul filled life!

Are you following your heart?

Your heart's desire is there for a reason, it is a guide that is trying to catch your attention and help you to live your purpose, and bring out your best life.  It is the soul that whispers.  It is the soul that brings us to our purpose.

When we are truly feeling passionate, it is our connection to our soul.  Society is the enemy at times when it comes to our Soul.

Be still.  Be quiet.  Listen.  Listen.  Listen.

It will speak when you stop talking.

It will speak when you let go.

It will speak when you simplify.

It will speak when you stop comparing.

It will speak when you slow down.

It will speak when you are grounded.

It will speak when you are grateful.

It will speak when you are open.

It will speak when you stop doing and start being.

Listen Soul Sister, your Soul is so Dope—it is there, you are spirited, you just need to peel off the layers of shoulds, coulds, and others paths, to create your own.  Your soul is unique, it is just you and you have everything inside of you to not only find the path but to blaze a trail.

Let's do this.  It will be magical and oh so dope!  XO

Pam Guyer