Write That Love Letter!

Write that Love Letter!

I have written notes or letters to people on occasion because it is important to say it, write it or share it, that is, the love/impact or influence a person has had on our lives. I think back to my dear friends when they lost their Mom to a form of Alzheimers which took more than a decade of her memory or life (I never got to share with her the depth of her influence on me, and I was able to share it with her kids, my friends when they were saying good bye to their mom, it was a letter). I wrote letters to my in laws a few times when my kids were little, just expressing how much they mean’t to me and us, I was planning on writing another one but then my MIL became ill, and I just did not do it. I know what it is like to hold back, put it off and not say the words that are important to say. I also know what it is like to share, communicate and I try to do so in a few words (verbally), in audio or in a text, but a letter, a letter is even better (does not have to be handwritten, I have learned that it is easier and gets down when I type it out and send it out via text). It does not matter, just allow this to influence you to share it, say it now, let them know, a love letter does not need to be just to the greatest loves of your life (I tell them more often that I love them each time we speak), say it also to those people that have been in your life, perhaps they are no longer there or active in your life, but have had a profound influence on you at some point in your life. It matters, it matters a lot. I don’t like to build relationships just hitching on the “It” person or the person who can get me ahead professionally (viscerally that just feels gross, because quite frankly it can be gross). I like to connect with those that I genuine connect with, where my soul resonates with theirs, and letting them know that is the greatest gift we can give. It does not have to be a letter, how about a simple text? Words have power, as does our spirit, and my spirit loves love, it truly appreciates good people, and those that live a heart centered life, and who also show what is possible. Likewise those that have poured into me, they helped me to build to where I am today, it was never just me, it was divine guidance, and the beautiful people I have been surrounded by. I recently shared a love letter that I wrote this past spring (and finally sent it a few weeks ago when she called me, and I said, I have a letter for you, it’s on my computer, I just need to send it your way). This person was a Mentor to me for years, and in the past decade plus, I have not had that kind of mentorship and I felt the difference, I know what it is like to have someone in your corner, building you up, loving on you, believing in you and there for you. It makes such a difference, I want to continue to be that for others, and also know that those people (which are limited in my mind) are there for me). I don’t look to many as a Mentor, I really don’t, I did many years ago, but I grew out of that, and I grew into discernment, and also, knowing that relationships for me need to be genuine and they need to be built upon trust (not what can I do for you sort of arrangement). You will read below about Rita, and the role she played in my professional life, and while she was my Mentor, she was a Mentor to so very many, I often thought it was too bad she was hidden to the world behind one brand or one industry (I don’t know that she see’s it that way, but I did), she has so much more to offer, and while she is mostly retired, I am reminded to continue to carry her message and light, but in doing so, to add my own. I am so grateful she was my example for so many years, and she continues to be quoted, referenced, and shared about in many of my teachings and what I share in the world. Here is the love letter I wrote (and sent) to her, I hope this inspires you to share more, care more and take the time to share your love (it is the best gift you can give)! XO

Dear Rita:

I am writing this love letter to you, because you are one of the top people in my life that has made such a positive impact on me, I know there are so many that feel the same, but even if you were talking to thousands in your audience, you were talking to me. I first saw you speak in Nashville, you had me laughing so hard I was crying, and you probably had me in tears too, because I saw a woman on stage that was beautiful, Oprah like, a Mother, a Sister, and you shared many stories, but the message was this, you came from humble beginnings, your Daddy was a Mechanic (side of the road story) and what you shared spoke to my heart, a young Mom from a working class family (full of love) that wanted more in her life, I saw my story in yours. I also wanted to be where you were, to be inspiring, teaching, lifting others up, on stage and in a big way: sharing, laughing, loving and inspiring women to believe in themselves, and to be more, do more and have more.

My sister came with me on that first “NTC” (2002 or 2003), while she was only in the business for a year, we both laughed so hard when you and your sister were on stage, the antics and sister humor had us in love with you and her, that is the feeling you gave me, and it never left me, it only grew and still resides and is a part of who I am, you influenced positive change in me by your example and encouragement.

I went on that trip not sure I wanted to do this (Arbonne), is this all real, do they really give out cars, and why did I just get my Master’s Degree to sell lipstick, it was hearing from you, seeing you and the connection I had with you that confirmed that this was viable, and also that I could do this, and the rest is history, I went on to promote to the top, and you were there, for every step of the way (every phone call at promotion, and the laughter and learning that came with it all, I grew so much, and learned so much, all because of you).

All the lessons, the mantra’s the quotes, the “Rita-isms”, they are all part of me, and I continue to use them, teach them, share them because they are real and it is part of your legacy. Having been part of your community changed me and made me better, so much that I wanted to be more like you, and while I don’t do it on stages, I do so on line, and I feel that my spirit dulled out a bit, and I am remembering who I am, who “trained” and mentored me and that God has called me to do more. I was one of the “lucky ones”, and it was not luck, it was divine and it was part of the plan after all. Out of all of those women, thousands and big audiences, I was one that actually grew to have a relationship with you, one that you poured such love into me, that to this day, I know I am still your “Baby Girl”. I am tearing up as I write this because your words (all our words) have such power, and as I write, I am realizing my job is to continue to share the words, this love and conviction with others—I learned from the best!

I remember a few first time meeting Rita moments, I was so excited and in awe, starstruck and fortunately it went from that to pure ‘heart to heart’ relationship, and for that I am so grateful. I will never forget on the NVP trip, seeing you in Starbucks (in Spain) and I had to share with you “Rita, I want to be like you some Day”, and you looked me right in the eyes and asked why? I tried to explain I loved how you made people feel, and I wanted to do that…. I could articulate that answer better today, and simply, I wanted to remind women of their worthiness, and help them believe in themselves, as I know what it is like to waver on that, and that is something you did for me (and many) and I want to continue to do that for others, because we all wear a little sign that says “make me feel special/important”.

I love you Rita Davenport, and even thou I don’t get to work with you and that dream of being on stage with you has not happened, you have impacted my life in the most profound and positive way, you are now part of me. I hope I make you proud some day, by using my voice as a force for good. I love you with all of my heart, and I am so very grateful God put me on this earth the same time as you (what you used to say to me).


Pam Guyer

Pam Guyer