Dreams Over Doubt
You can convince yourself you’re too old, you’re too busy, you can’t handle it or you are not enough.
You are not enough….
How many of us had held onto that belief, or have allowed that subconscious thinking to hold us back, set us back, allow our story to be written by someone else or just hope and pray to be chosen.
I did that, I felt all of this even after writing Living HIPP, after I reached what I thought would be my pinnacle and purpose, launching from there.
I did not realize I needed to grow. I was immersed in personal growth, yet I needed to grow more. I had only scratched the surface, I needed to go through it to grow through it.
So while my message was clear, I needed to experience more challenges and I needed to go deeper into my own healing and my own journey of feeling mislead and trying to find my way back to me.
How many times have we abandoned ourselves in the name of peace, acceptance, resistance or fear.
A clear message, a detour and It did not go down as I expected.
Rather, I was taken down. I thought my resiliency and grace was part of my growth (to some degree it was) but what I did not realize is that I did not protect myself like I should have, I did not speak up like I am capable of and while I was proud of my ability to be grace under fire, I actually allowed toxic behavior to happen to me and in front of me (it did not happen to me, I allowed it to happen to me). I can’t change that, but what I can do is speak up in a larger way on creating cultures and communities that genuinely commit to and support people be it a group, a team, a community or even a company.
I move forward with grace and I move forward with boundaries, and also a desire to turn another challenge into lessons and into a blessing, for myself and others, things get better when we get better.
This detour of personal & financial loss took away from my vision and dream of growing HIPP and having it be the brand I know it can be and more importantly, what we need. I do believe that everything happens for a reason, and while it was not my choice, and it was hard, and unfair and frankly wrong, I grew through it. While it brought me down, it did not take me down—in fact, for the first time I stood up for myself like never before. I did not allow unfair circumstances and loss to drive me back to old thinking and behaviors, we outgrow places, we outgrow people and sometimes our values just are not aligned, this is true for all of us in various ways in life, in work and on our journey.
What I know now what I did not know then is that, I needed to experience more, more adversity, more experience and be exposed to rejection and see it as protection. Likewise, I needed to address the things within me that needed to be addressed, when we get sick and tired of our own old patterns and behaviors we make the decision to change. I decided to change. My foundation is solid, my belief system is solid, my values are solid and other people’s behaviors, opinions or actions are outside of my energy field.
I stand, I breathe, I inhale love, I exhale OPBS (other people BS).
I let go of wanting to please everyone and be liked by everyone.
I let go of a vision I had of what I thought I should be.
I let go of the shame of not performing or more accurately, fitting in and “on brand”.
I let go of the ego that wanted to prove them wrong.
Not only did I let go. I firmly built a boundary of superficial behavior—others can follow, no me, I have to lead and/or be in alignment with my core values, energy and depth, it is far greater than the surface stuff which many get caught up in and align with.
I stood up for myself.
I used my voice and in doing so, I spoke up for women everywhere.
I might have stood alone, but I stood up in dignity, respect, authenticity and truth.
When you align with your values, you know it and you honor it. It is pure confidence but requires humility.
So in the decade from writing the book, I had no idea how much I would need it this past decade and how it would become the tracks for me to run on. I have put it to the test, have created the framework, and the platform to create positive change. So as much as I thought I was writing it for others years ago, I ended up writing it for me. Not the words, but having to do the work, create the framework and create a capsule where I could support myself, my mental health and build my foundation.
I had a nerve to say to myself that I was not good enough, smart enough, connected enough, strong enough, or ready enough…. We all go there at times, I know you have said the same thing too. Let’s remind each other and let’s choose our Dreams over our Doubts. We are changing our story, we are digging deep and bringing our best selves forward, in love, in light and with intention to make the world a better place. It all begins with us.
Who am I to create a Global Happiness Brand that changes how we live and work?
Who am I not too? Why Not Me? Why not YOU?
My entire life I have had Visions and Dreams and the only way they came true was that I did not stop when things fell apart. I might pause, I might rest, but God does not put a vision or dream in your heart without knowing you are mean’t to do more.
One thing that I am so grateful for is the lifestyle I have built in this life of mine. Flexibility has always been important to me, and I learned to build a system of support over the years to be successful. Even when I did not feel successful, I realize it was just another sign post along the way, pulling me towards this thing that I know deep in my heart. My purpose is to uplift, teach and inspire millions, my voice needs to be heard by many and my words and story is that of resilience and following my dreams, not the underlying doubt we all experience. The timing does not make sense to me because I am more limited around what I will do, how I will work and balance, mental health and the freedom of space and time (I value this so much at this stage in life).
What I do know is this….
I don’t have to worry about all of the details: timing, fear of being too much, fear of not being enough and how can I possibly do this. I breathe and remember I am not alone, I am being guided, I am the leader I have been waiting for, I am the person I have been waiting for. I can’t control all of those things and I certainly don’t want to worry about them. What I can do is this (and you can too).
—Take charge of what is in my control: my attitude, my habits, my wellness, my mindset my beliefs
—Do the Next Right Thing
—Follow my HIPP Life Plan the best that I can (progress over perfection)
—Let my spirit soar, no one can crush that, try as they may, it’s belongs to me only
—Sincerely and Authentically Lead with Love, this has and will always be my North Star
—Go where the Love is, be with those that are positive, true blue and genuinely want the best for you
—Be brave enough to lead the way. People are wanting what I have, I just have to be brave & share
—The right people will show up at the right time. The people that need to hear me will respond.
As we begin another Season, it is the best time to get clear on your Vision and to move past your barriers and the things in your way. We are walking together, moving forward, leading with love and have hope and inspiration not only for us, but to share with others.
Let’s Do This!